Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Current Global Superpower Has Shaped The Modern Ideals And...
The need to understand this current Global Superpower has never been more pressing than in the present day. When I found my first interest in the topic of China, it was in large part because we hear so much of how economic status teetering on the economic dependency we have developed over the last couple of decades. This paper will introduce philosophy, culture, and the evolutions and revolutions that took course threw the last 100 years of China’s timeline. Important events will be brought to light and discussed in detail about their impact then and how it has shaped the modern ideals and communist government. Taking it a step further we will see what current impacts the culture and government is having on a country so diverse, and what is to be expected in the future. The Making of Modern China: Behind the Red Veil When I found my first interest in the topic of China, it was in large part because we hear so much of how economic status teetering on the economic dependency we have developed over the last couple of decades. America’s situation news currently is riddled with stories about the PRC, We now live in an era when China has more millionaires, more cities with populations exceeding one million, more Internet users, and more skyscrapers than any other country. It figures centrally in the most pressing issues of our day. China produces more greenhouse gases than any other nation. It has vast holdings of U.S. treasury bonds and its factories fill theShow MoreRelatedWhy Did The Super Powers Usa And Russia Make Use Of Proxy Wars And Third World Countries3564 Words  | 15 Pagesbetween two of greatest superpowers in the world, United States and Russia. 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